Introducing Decisioning Digital Twins
IT operations – when you really think about it there’s no other area of business that’s more important, while simultaneously less appreciated. There are many reasons for that but perhaps the most obvious is that the Tech Ops team is, to most employees, only visible when the things start hitting the fan.
But as you’ll know all too well, so much happens behind the scenes to avoid service issues. Your people will be juggling many plates and challenges at once. From keeping up with rapid changes in technology, to managing complex multi-vendor environments, to meeting business expectations and keeping the lights on. All this of course while ensuring new projects seamlessly roll out. And this isn’t easy these days as digital transformation initiatives continue at breakneck speed.
What’s more, while the transition to more agile technologies, such as the cloud, are meant to make life easier, research suggests otherwise: 73% of leaders believe the cloud has created more complexity, and 70% say it means they have less control.
While so much is going on for IT teams, it seems unlikely that one single change can dramatically make life easier. And we’d not be so bold to make such a claim. However, we strongly believe that the pressure can be eased, and things feel less stressful, when you gain mastery over risk when decision-making. Especially when doing so quickly by using Decisioning Digital Twins (DDT).
Your virtual expert
Think of a DDT as a smart virtual colleague. It will replicate your experts’ experience gained through experience, intuition, and judgement. A DDT doesn’t need historical data, just the insight it gains when an expert uses a simple interface to build, train and test a twin. Typically, this takes just 30 to 90 minutes with the DDT then ready to replicate human decision-making. It doesn’t require ‘data’ in the traditional sense and learns quickly from its experiences with the ability to easily adjust to high-volume, high-speed environments.
When a problem arises, your DDT can make decisions immediately, and recommend a course of action for a human to sign-off. The balance between these two options depends on how you integrate your decisioning digital twin.
The good news is that DDTs can work alongside your existing data and predictive analytics technologies and Robotic Process Automation (RPA) systems.
Optimising efficiencies
Amid a multifaceted business case we see two main reasons to embrace DDTs:
- Risk management: DDTs are ideal for Environments where there’s uncertainty (limited known rules) and humans need to deal with decision complexity. They learn through the training process the knowledge and insight you embed in them which comes from your top human experts at the transaction level. They can also provide access to multiple internal and / or external decision-making experts in real-time with the net result that complex and potentially risky decisions can be made with greater certainty and less risk.
- Efficiency (high volume environments): Where volumes of transactions, events or incidents exceed your team’s capacity to deal with every transaction, event or incident, DDTs can alleviate the pressure and multiply your workforce.
Towards hands-free operation
At E2Tech our team have all worked in Tech Ops. So we understand the pressure and also the frustration that builds when you’ve so much on you feel you can’t focus enough on strategy, planning and business change activities.
We’re here to help. We’ve a vision for hands-free operations which seek to manage repetitive, process driven tasks through automation. DDTs are very much a part of that. And with our technology partner, Merlynn Intelligence Technologies, your Tech Ops teams can make decisions much faster, without volume restrictions, and use the best minds you have to ensure business outcomes are achieved.
We see great scope for DDTs to ease decision making across incident and major incident management, proactive technology upgrades, knowledge management and change management to name but a few.
Get in touch to find out more.